I wanted to draw the Orcs and the Uruk Hai with a very ugly terrifying appearance that would inspire terror and fear. Nevertheless I think they became quite funny unintentionally, so I did not reach my aim.
Since the moment I read ‘Lord of the Rings’ by J.R.R.Tolkien in my early twenties, I became a fan of this wonderful world of fantasy and adventure. As I do often when I read a book I like, I tried to put the images of characters and landscapes that appeared in the book on paper and I did some sketches that I saved in a box with all my drawings and paintings for many years.
It was not until Peter Jackson filmed LOTR that I rescued my old sketches and decided to work on them. At the same time I bought a PC and then I discovered some programmes that allowed me to paint digitally. I considered them as a new artistic technique that I had to study and practice, a new challenge, and I liked it.
So I started to illustrate LOTR. I tried to be faithful to Tolkien’s book, however my imagination and the influence -up to a point- of the films, are the cause of my drawings being not so faithful to the book after all.
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